Corrientes, Argentina
Where I did my first research
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Mazzaro, N.;
Minjarez Oppenheimer & González de Anda, R. (2024)
Spanish Loyalty and English Prestige in the Linguistic Landscape of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
. Languages, DOI:
Mazzaro, N.
& González de Anda, R. (2024) Socio-Economic Status and Language Prestige in the Linguistic Landscape of the U.S.-Mexico Border.
Journal of Borderlands Studies
, DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2023.2301103
Mazzaro, N.
The Effect of Language Contact on /tʃ/ Deaffrication in Spanish from the US–Mexico Borderland.
7, no. 2: 101.
Mazzaro, N.
& González de Anda, R. (2020)
Men Finally Got It! Rhotic Assibilation in Mexican Spanish in Chihuahua.
5, no. 4: 38.
Colantoni, L.; Martínez, R.;
Mazzaro, N.
; Pérez-Leroux, A.T.; Rinaldi, N.
A Phonetic Account of Spanish-English Bilinguals’ Divergence with Agreement.
Languages 2020, 5, 58.
Mazzaro, N.
& González de Anda, R. (2019)
The Perception-Production Connection: /tʃ/ Deaffrication and Rhotic Assibilation in Chihuahua Spanish.
In Chappell, W. (Ed.) Recent Advances in the Study of Spanish Sociophonetic Perception. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co, 287-311.
Esparza, S. &
Mazzaro N.
/s/ Variation and Speech Accommodation in New and Old Settlements of Veracruzanos in Ciudad Juárez.
Revista Iberoamericana de Linguística, (13), 121-150.
Mazzaro, N.
; Cuza A. & Colantoni L. (2016)
Age effects and the discrimination of consonantal and vocalic contrasts in heritage and native Spanish.
In Tortora, C., den Dikken M., Montoya, I. L. and O’Neil, T. (eds.) Selected Papers from the 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL). New York: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Colantoni, L., Cuza, A. &
Mazzaro, N.
Task related effects in the prosody of Spanish heritage speakers.
In Amstrong, M., Henrikssen N., Vanrell M. (Eds) Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-24.
Mazzaro, N.
Explaining variation and change in Spanish peripheral fricatives.
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. Volume 7, Issue 2.
Mazzaro, N.
Análisis sociofonético de las fricativas y aproximantes del español de Corrientes.
In Colantoni, L. and C. Rodríguez Louro, (eds.) Perspectivas teóricas y experimentales sobre el español de la Argentina
Cuervo, M. C. and
N. Mazzaro.
Duplicación de la negación en español de Corrientes.
In Colantoni, L. and C. Rodríguez Louro, (eds.) Perspectivas teóricas y experimentales sobre el español de la Argentina
Mazzaro, N.
Changing Perceptions: The Sociophonetic Motivations of the Labiovelar Alternation in Spanish
. In Ortega Llebaria, M. (ed.) Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, pp. 128-145.
Non-Refereed Publications
Mazzaro, N.
Aspiration and Velarization of /f/ in Argentine Spanish
. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics. Volume 25, pp. 58-67.
Mazzaro, N.
Speaking Spanish with Style: /s/ Deletion in Argentine Spanish and Labov’s Decision Tree.
Penn Working Papers in Linguistics. Volume 10.2, pp. 171-190.